Medical and Legal Planning
Being independent and able to make your own decisions is tremendously important to feeling like you are a vital member of the community. It's also important to your sense of who you are, and your peace of mind.
But sometimes, being independent means knowing that people you trust will be the ones on the scene to make decisions that you can't.
That's where a health care power of attorney and a power of attorney to protect your other interests can be vital.
1. Health Care Power of Attorney: Having a health care power of attorney allows you to state in advance what you want to happen in certain medical situations. It also allows you to choose who will make both simple and complicated medical decisions for you if you can't. In addition, it can help prevent arguments among those who care about you the most over how to best help you.
2. Durable Power of Attorney: This document concerns primarily financial and legal decisions, but also helps set the stage for short and long-term medical care as needed. The person you designate in this document will be able to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf, as well as having the financial and legal power to arrange for medical care. This document does not take away your power to make decisions yourself, but merely gives someone you trust the ability to also make financial and legal decisions on your behalf, and arrange for medical care on your behalf. Someone you trust will therefore be much more likely to be the one making important decisions, should the need arise.
Although only an office consultation can determine the amount we will charge to create either a health care power of attorney or a durable power of attorney for you, we typically charge about $30 for each of these two documents, far less than many other law offices. We want you to have the money to live your life comfortably, not have to spend it all on attorney's fees.